Punya Arora: Humour Sapiens

Know Your Comic: Punya Arora

Punya Arora–  Punjabi by nature, South-Indian at heart, she is a professional photographer, a self-proclaimed Biriyani connoisseur and one of the finest comics in the scene today. While her early life wasn’t a bed of roses, one might marvel at how far she has come – laughing in the face of difficulties. This constant spreader of happiness was brought up by a brave Punjabi single mom who decided to nip her marriage in the bud when her husband expressed displeasure at their child not being a boy.

During middle school, her mother’s shop shut as ecommerce flourished; but financial difficulties never baffled the mother-daughter duo. They tightened their belts! While the teenage Punya got on to chocolate making, her mother became a property consultant. Know your comic, Punya Arora a little more:

  • She spent her childhood attending lots of classes like piano, art, pottery, chocolate making, candle making, to list a few – Jack of all trades, we must say!
  • Punya comes from a single parent background, with her mother being her the sole source of encouragement.
  • Before Punya held the mic and conquered the stage, she practiced photography for a good 7 years.
  • She loves to shoot underwater and photographs people, portraits, fashion, spaces, food.
  • Now that she is a stand-up comic, thanks to her Punjabi nature of talking endlessly, she has gained 27.8K Youtube subscribers and her one video fetched her over 1.7M views.
  • Punya’s favourite Indian comics are Sundeep Rao, Daniel Fernandes, Jeeveshu Ahluwalia and Aditi Mittal.
  • She continues being a visiting faculty at an institute in Ooty to teach photography and have been for the past 5 years.
  • Her favourite one-liner joke is, “A guy walks into a bar….ouch!”

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